Monday, December 27, 2010

Finally Finished!

They're finally finished! It only took over a month to get them completely done. Ugh! Here's a couple of close-ups of the dolls. So cute!

The lighting wasn't the greatest. Actually, it started to rain today. Which is always nice ... sitting at the craft table while it's raining. Anyway, I have to figure out what project I'm working on next. Maybe a couple of pouches, I don't know. Or some flower accessories. I only have a couple more days of admin leave, so I have to make the most of what's left. We'll see what tomorrow brings. I'll have to get these dolls photographed and posted in my Etsy shop.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. The hubby and I spent it at home, alone. We went to Mass. Then spent the afternoon watching holiday movies on Hallmark! Since I did NOT want to spend the day in the kitchen, we ordered one of those holiday meals from the grocery deli ... you know, it comes with the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, etc. Umm, will not be buying that again. The turkey was okay, but everything else was "pre-fab," as my mom would put it. I think Stove Top Stuffing would have been better. But, at least I didn't have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Maybe the $100 choice from Whole Foods might have been better. Maybe the best thing is to bite the bullet and cook the meal myself. Next time I had better go home to Kauai to enjoy my mom's cooking. Hahaha!

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